Showing posts with label Acne. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Acne. Show all posts

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Natural Hair Care

Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea) : Sage is a native of Mediterranean area. It grows wild in the Dalmatian region of Yugoslavia. It is cultivated in Yugoslavia, Italy, Albania, Pakistan, Turkey, Portugal, Spain, Cyprus, England, Canada and USA.In Kashmir, it is sparingly cultivated in Gilgat, Muzaffarabad..

Sage thrives well in rich clayey and loamy soil. A hot and dry climate is not suitable for its cultivation

Uses : Sage is used in the culinary preparation in the West. The taste is fragrant, spicy, warm, astringent and a little bitter. It is used for flavouring meat and fish dishes and for poultry stuffing. Fresh sage leaves are used in salads and sandwiches. 

Sage-Salvia cashmiriana leaves for hair has been proven to boost hair growth. It soaks up excess oil and makes dirty hair look fresh. It helps in reversing hair loss problems, promoting hair growth, and strengthening hair for better manageability and shine. Clary sage Leaves  speeds up hair growth and prevents premature balding. If you are wondering about clary sage oil uses in your daily lifestyle, then read this article to find out its uses in aromatherapy, in preventing hair loss, and some simple at-home remedies as well.

The  sage leaves  is valuable for conditions such as:
Digestive Disorders, Female Complaints, Acne, Boils, Hair Loss, Skin Wrinkles, Excess Sebum,  Hair Loss, Natural Hair Products, Female Baldness, Shine your Hair, Split Ends, Dandruff, Male Pattern Baldness.

The leaves and oil is an antispasmodic, bactericidal, carminative, antiseptic, deodorant, euphoric, sedative, and nervine tonic. As you can see, sage has many valuable uses in the field of natural medicine, but, interestingly enough, many of its traditional uses are for skin disorders. This is the reason why sage can play a large role in your natural hair loss program.

Sage leaves powder
Price: 550/-50 grams/pkt
(Other pkts: 100, 200, 500 grams
Sage Oil: 1 Ltr. 9500/-
Available at:
Chenab Industries Kashmir-CIK
POB: 667 GPO Srinagar SGR JK 190001

Ph: 09858986794, 01933-223705